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Prompt API 的一項重要功能是工作階段。這類對話可讓您與 AI 模型進行一或多個持續對話,而模型不會遺失所說內容的背景資訊。本指南將介紹使用語言模型管理工作階段的最佳做法。
如果您要建構傳統的聊天機器人,讓使用者與 AI 互動,建議您為一或多個並行工作階段進行工作階段管理。或者,如果您有客戶關係管理系統,其中一個支援專員可以同時處理多位客戶,並利用 AI 技術協助支援專員追蹤各種對話。
// Make this work in web apps and in extensions.
const aiNamespace = self.ai || chrome.aiOriginTrial || chrome.ai;
const languageModel = await aiNamespace.languageModel.create({
systemPrompt: 'You are a helpful assistant and you speak like a pirate.',
console.log(await languageModel.prompt('Tell me a joke.'));
// 'Avast ye, matey! What do you call a lazy pirate?\n\nA **sail-bum!**\n\nAhoy
// there, me hearties! Want to hear another one? \n'
複本會繼承工作階段參數 (例如 temperature
或 topK
) 和任何工作階段互動記錄。舉例來說,如果您使用系統提示來初始化主工作階段,這項功能就很實用。這樣一來,應用程式只需執行這項工作一次,所有副本都會繼承主要工作階段的系統提示。
// Make this work in web apps and in extensions.
const aiNamespace = self.ai || chrome.aiOriginTrial || chrome.ai;
const languageModel = await aiNamespace.languageModel.create({
systemPrompt: 'You are a helpful assistant and you speak like a pirate.',
// The original session `languageModel` remains unchanged, and
// the two clones can be interacted with independently from each other.
const firstClonedLanguageModel = await languageModel.clone();
const secondClonedLanguageModel = await languageModel.clone();
// Interact with the sessions independently.
await firstClonedLanguageModel.prompt('Tell me a joke about parrots.');
await secondClonedLanguageModel.prompt('Tell me a joke about treasure troves.');
// Each session keeps its own context.
// The first session's context is jokes about parrots.
await firstClonedLanguageModel.prompt('Tell me another.');
// The second session's context is jokes about treasure troves.
await secondClonedLanguageModel.prompt('Tell me another.');
// Make this work in web apps and in extensions.
const aiNamespace = self.ai || chrome.aiOriginTrial || chrome.ai;
// Restore the session from localStorage, or initialize a new session.
// The UUID is hardcoded here, but would come from a
// session picker in your user interface.
const uuid = '7e62c0e0-6518-4658-bc38-e7a43217df87';
function getSessionData(uuid) {
try {
const storedSession = localStorage.getItem(uuid);
return storedSession ? JSON.parse(storedSession) : false;
} catch {
return false;
let sessionData = getSessionData(uuid);
// Initialize a new session.
if (!sessionData) {
// Get the current default parameters so they can be restored as they were,
// even if the default values change in the future.
const { defaultTopK, defaultTemperature } =
await aiNamespace.languageModel.capabilities();
sessionData = {
systemPrompt: '',
initialPrompts: [],
topK: defaultTopK,
temperature: defaultTemperature,
// Initialize the session with the (previously stored or new) session data.
const languageModel = await aiNamespace.languageModel.create(sessionData);
// Keep track of the ongoing conversion and store it in localStorage.
const prompt = 'Tell me a joke';
try {
const stream = languageModel.promptStreaming(prompt);
let result = '';
// You can already work with each `chunk`, but then store
// the final `result` in history.
for await (const chunk of stream) {
// In practice, you'd render the chunk.
result = chunk;
{ role: 'user', content: prompt },
{ role: 'assistant', content: result },
// To avoid growing localStorage infinitely, make sure to delete
// no longer used sessions from time to time.
localStorage.setItem(uuid, JSON.stringify(sessionData));
} catch (err) {
console.error(err.name, err.message);
每個工作階段都有一個內容視窗,您可以存取工作階段的相關欄位 maxTokens
和 tokensSoFar
const { maxTokens, tokensLeft, tokensSoFar } = languageModel;
超過這個脈絡視窗後,工作階段就會遺失最舊訊息的追蹤記錄,這可能會造成不必要的情況,因為這個脈絡可能很重要。為保留配額,如果使用者在提交提示訊息後發現答案不實用,可以使用 AbortController
和 promptStreaming()
方法都會接受含有 signal
const controller = new AbortController();
stopButton.onclick = () => controller.abort();
try {
const stream = languageModel.promptStreaming('Write me a poem!', {
signal: controller.signal,
for await (const chunk of stream) {
} catch (err) {
// Ignore `AbortError` errors.
if (err.name !== 'AbortError') {
console.error(err.name, err.message);
請參閱 AI 工作階段管理示範,瞭解 AI 工作階段管理的實際應用。使用 Prompt API 建立多個並行對話,重新載入分頁或甚至重新啟動瀏覽器,並繼續上次中斷的地方。請參閱 GitHub 上的原始碼。
透過這些技巧和最佳做法,您可以妥善管理 AI 工作階段,充分發揮 Prompt API 的潛力,提供更有效率、更即時且以使用者為中心的應用程式。您也可以結合這些方法,例如讓使用者複製已還原的過去工作階段,以便執行「假設」情境。
本指南由 Sebastian Benz、Andre Bandarra、François Beaufort 和 Alexandra Klepper 審查。