This page is part of the documentation for the Chrome Apps platform, which was deprecated in 2020. Chrome Apps in Kiosk Mode used by Enterprise and Education customers will no longer be supported after April 2027, marking their end of life. Additionally, all remaining Chrome Apps used in managed environments by Enterprise and Education organizations will reach their end of life in October 2028. Learn more about migrating your app.
The usbPrinters manifest property declares which USB printers are supported by an app using the
printerProvider API.
Sample manifest.json
{"name":"My printer app","usb_printers":{"filters":[// This app can print to the Nexus One and any printer made by Google.{"vendorId":6353,"productId":19985},{"vendorId":6353,"interfaceClass":7}]},...}
filters (array of object) - required
A list of USB device filters matching supported devices. A device only needs to match one of
the provided filters. A vendorId is required and only one of productId or interfaceClass may
be provided.