Extensions must be marketed responsibly. The set of functionalities promised by the extension must be stated clearly and in a transparent manner. The outcome of any user interaction should match the reasonable expectations that were set with the user. Extensions that use or benefit from deceptive installation tactics will be removed from the Chrome Web Store. Deceptive installation tactics include:
Confusing or deceptive advertisements or marketing materials preceding the installation of your extension. The features of your extension should be clear when marketing your product.
Misleading interactive elements as part of your distribution flow. This includes misleading call-to-action buttons or forms that imply an outcome other than the installation of an extension. Any call-to-action buttons preceding the installation of your extension must state that an extension will be installed.
Adjusting the Chrome Web Store product listing window with the effect of withholding or hiding extension metadata from the user.
Bundling other extensions or offers within the same installation flow.
Requiring unrelated user action to access advertised functionality.
For more information about this policy, see the Developer FAQ.