Cancel a review

The Chrome Web Store supports canceling a pending review. Use this, for example, if you've discovered a bug or typo in your extension after submitting it for review. Instead of waiting for the review to finish, cancel the review and re-submit a new version of your extension.

How to cancel a review?

After submitting an extension, cancel the review by clicking ⋮ View more menu options on the Store listing page. Select Cancel review. The Cancel review option will only be displayed while your extension's status is Pending review. The current status is displayed below the extension title.

Screenshot of the developer dashboard menu option for triggering cancel review.
Select "Cancel review" on the *Store listing* page to cancel a pending review.

A confirmation dialog appears when you request to cancel a review. Once you click the Cancel review button to confirm, the submission will be canceled and returned to a draft state.

The cancel review confirmation dialog.
Confirm the cancellation by selecting "Cancel review" in the confirmation dialog.