If you've worked with the Geolocation API before, chances are you've wanted to check if you had permission to use Geolocation without causing a prompt. This simply wasn't possible. You had to request the current position and this would indicate the permission state or cause a prompt to be shown to the user.
Not all APIs work this way. The Notifications API has its own way of allowing you to check the current permission state via Notification.permission.
As the web platform grows in API's, there needs to be a single, standard way for developers to check the status of a permission rather than having to remember how each and every API works. The Permission API, available in Chrome version 43, is intended to be this single, standard way to check the permission status of an API.
Check the status of a permission using the permissions.query()
method. This will
return a status of granted (you have permission), denied (you are blocked from
accessing the API) or
prompt (user needs
to be prompted). For example:
// Check for Geolocation API permissions
.then(function(permissionStatus) {
console.log('geolocation permission state is ', permissionStatus.state);
permissionStatus.onchange = function() {
console.log('geolocation permission state has changed to ', this.state);
The query method takes a
object, where you define the permission's name. The response is a Promise
resolving to a
object. From this object, you can check the state with permissionStatus.state
for 'granted', 'denied' or 'prompt'. You can also also implement an event
handler for permissionStatus.onchange
and handle changes to the permission
Supported PermissionDescriptors
In the above example, we highlight how to query the permission state for
geolocation with the following permission descriptor: {name:'geolocation'}
The Notification permission descriptor is similar in that it only requires a
name attribute: {name:'notifications'}
Push and midi each have an additional parameter that is specific to that API.
For the push permission, you can supply a userVisibleOnly
This indicates whether you wish to show a notification for every push message
or be able to send silent push notifications (At the moment Chrome only
supports push messages with notifications). You'd use it like so:
navigator.permissions.query({name:'push', userVisibleOnly:true})
Midi allows a sysex
parameter. This indicates whether you need to and/or receive
system exclusive messages. For midi this would be:
navigator.permissions.query({name:'midi', sysex:true})
Requesting Permissions
Requesting permission from the user depends on the specific API. For example,
geolocation would show a permission prompt when you call getCurrentPosition()
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
console.log('Geolocation permissions granted');
console.log('Latitude:' + position.coords.latitude);
console.log('Longitude:' + position.coords.longitude);
Whereas notifications would prompt the user when you call requestPermission()
Notification.requestPermission(function(result) {
if (result === 'denied') {
console.log('Permission wasn\'t granted. Allow a retry.');
} else if (result === 'default') {
console.log('The permission request was dismissed.');
console.log('Permission was granted for notifications');
The point here is that the Permission API allows a consistent way to monitor the status of permissions while being able to support the range of APIs currently on the web.
The big advantage of this is that it allows you to build better experiences for your users, only prompting when it's obvious to the user why you need extra privileges and taking full advantage of these APIs when you know you have been granted permission.
You can find a full set of examples here.
Browser Support
Chrome is the first browser to implement this, Mozilla are planning on shipping this, and Microsoft have shown interest in the API.
Known Issues
- Geolocation will not re-show a prompt if the user dismisses the permission request. The permission status however remains 'prompt'. [bugs.chromium.org]