MediaStream deprecations

If you work with getUserMedia() or WebRTC, you may need to adjust your code for Chrome 45 and later.

The MediaStream API represents synchronized streams of media. For example, a stream taken from camera and microphone input has synchronized video and audio tracks. Each track is represented by a MediaStreamTrack. (Not to be confused with the <track> element!)

There are three MediaStream deprecations in Chrome 45:

  • MediaStream.ended
  • MediaStream.label
  • MediaStream.stop()

In parallel are two additions:

  • MediaStreamTrack.stop()

These require the following changes:

  • Use to check if a MediaStream is streaming, not MediaStream.ended.
  • Use MediaStreamTrack.stop() to stop streaming, not MediaStream.stop().
  • If you need a unique identifier for a MediaStream use instead of MediaStream.label. MediaStreamTrack.label provides a human-readable name for the source device for a stream, e.g. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in) (05ac:8510).

You can see these in action: open in Chrome (on a device with a camera) and view the Chrome DevTools console. The MediaStream object stream passed to the getUserMedia() callback in this demo is in global scope, so you can inspect it from the console. Call stream.getTracks()[0] to view the MediaStreamTrack for this stream.

Screenshot showing MediaStream and MediaStreamTrack in the Chrome DevTools console

Stop(), ended and active

When the Media Capture and Streams W3C Working Group looked at the problem of what happens when you add new tracks to a MediaStream, and whether an empty MediaStream is ended, they realized that there was no sensible way to implement ended on a MediaStream (as in 'will never start again'). In other parts of HTML5 'ended' means 'this has ended and will never resume'. 'Active' carries no such implication: an inactive stream can become active again, for instance if a new track is added to it. Rather than maintain a confusing attribute and function, the Working Group decided to remove it.

Here's an example of how to use '' to check the status of a stream:

var gumStream;

navigator.getUserMedia({audio: false, video: true},
    function(stream) {
            gumStream = stream;
        // ...
    function(error) {
        console.log('getUserMedia() error', error);

// …

if ( {
    // do something with the stream

Removing stop() from MediaStream did not remove any real functionality: processes for detaching source devices and so on have to be done on MediaStreamTrack anyway. Use stop() on MediaStreamTrack instead:

navigator.getUserMedia({audio: false, video: true},
    function(stream) {
            // can also use getAudioTracks() or getVideoTracks()
        var track = stream.getTracks()[0];  // if only one media track
        // ...
        console.log('getUserMedia() error', error);


It turns out that nobody could quite figure out a use for this property!

MediaStream.label had been added to the first version of the spec, but nobody really knew what label was for. It was also unclear what happened to label when a stream was sent via RTCPeerConnection.

The W3C Working Group asked around, and nobody wanted it, so they removed it.

To reiterate: provides a unique identifier for a MediaStream and MediaStreamTrack.label provides the name of the source of a stream, such as the type of camera or microphone.

More information about MediaStream and MediaStreamTrack is available from Mozilla Developer Network, and HTML5 Rocks provides an excellent introduction to getUserMedia() in Capturing Audio & Video.

As ever, we appreciate your feedback on changes to Chrome. You can follow the bugs for these deprecations (here and here) and find more discussion and detail in the Intent to Implement.